

  1. PNAS
    Urban highways are barriers to social ties
    Aiello, L. M., Vybornova, A., Juhász, S., Szell, M., and Bokányi, E.
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2025


  1. NS
    Business transactions and ownership ties between firms
    Lőrincz, L., Juhász, S., and O. Szabó, R.
    Network Science, 2024


  1. EPJ
    Amenity complexity and urban locations of socio-economic mixing
    Juhász, S., Pintér, G., Kovács, Á., Borza, E., Mónus, G., Lőrincz, L., and Lengyel, B.
    EPJ Data Science, 2023


  1. EPB
    Income-related spatial concentration of individual social capital in cities
    Kovács, Á., Juhász, S., Bokányi, E., and Lengyel, B.
    Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2022


  1. SR
    Universal patterns of long‐distance commuting and social assortativity in cities
    Bokányi, E., Juhász, S., Karsai, M., and Lengyel, B.
    Scientific Reports, 2021
  2. EPS
    Repeated collaboration of inventors across European regions
    Tóth, G., Juhász, S., Elekes, Z., and Lengyel, B.
    European Planning Studies, 2021
  3. SBE
    Spinoffs and tie formation in cluster knowledge networks
    Juhász, S.
    Small Business Economics, 2021


  1. PIRS
    Explaining the dynamics of relatedness: The role of co-location and complexity
    Juhász, S., Broekel, T., and Boschma, R.
    Papers in Regional Science, 2020
  2. PLOS
    Brokering the core and the periphery: Creative success and collaboration networks in the film industry
    Juhász, S., Tóth, G., and Lengyel, B.
    PLOS One, 2020



    1. JEG
      Creation and persistence of ties in cluster knowledge networks
      Juhász, S., and Lengyel, B.
      Journal of Economic Geography, 2018